
$0 / Per month
  • 3 Regular Ads
  • No Featured Ads
  • No Top Ads
  • No Ads will be bumped up
  • Limited Support


$19 / Per month on a one-year contract
  • Basic Web Design with Hosting and domain, SSL Certificate for website security, With logo Or (Flyer, QR Code, Business Card for printing)
  • 3 Regular Ads
  • 1 Featured Ad
  • 1 Top Ad
  • 1 Ad will be bumped up
  • Basic Support


$1 One dollar a day for one year
  • Basic Web Design with Hosting and domain, SSL Certificate for website security, With logo, Digital business card, or (Flyer, QR Code, Business Card for printing, A video of the publication).
  • 5 Regular Ads
  • 2 Featured Ads
  • 3 Top Ads
  • Basic Support


$3 / Three dollars a day for one year
  • Basic web design with hosting, Domain and SSL Certificate.
  • Logo design, Digital business cards and one for printing, One Fyer, One QR Code, Four video ads for your social networks.
  • Unlimited Regular Ads
  • 5 Featured Ads
  • 10 Top Ads
  • Priority Support